Arka: One of the Most Developed Conlangs

A priori vocabulary (more than 15,000 words)



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It is strange that a conlang which exists in a conworld has words from English or Japanese, etc.
It is, however, very difficult and tiresome to create whole vocabulary from scratch, so most of the conlangs have a posteriori or small a priori vocabulary.
Some conlangs have large a priori vocabulary but most of them tend to be lack of etymology of words backed up by their conworld or conculture and to be an engelang like John Wilkins' Real Character.
Therefore Arka is rare for the point that it has large a priori vocabulary (more than 15,000 words) based on its conworld (Kaldia) and conculture.


You will find how Arka's vocabulary is full of originality.

Arka English Japanese
vik man otoko
min woman onna
pind needle hari
olivian acupuncture hari (shin)
kemanver functional gastrointestinal disorder kinouseiichosyo
hopseripoa myeloid leukemia kotsuzuiseihakketsubyo
baxasl lactic asid nyusan
teslit camphor syonou
diltvils methionine mechionin
gekslooza logarithmic taisujaku
melzet abacus soroban
monati saturation saido
verim HSV model HSV irokukan
espbalt cumulostratus sosekiun
satxili Indian summer koharubiyori
flia crystal suisyo
pinol malachite kujakuishi
tiklorkaxa Mercator's projection seikakuentouzuhou
axtealis forsythia rengyo
sarbel holly hiragi
tabo oyster kaki
esta firefly hotaru
dialiifa sirius tenrou
kasfran trigonometric function sankakukansu

Each of the words has an etymological background. You can look up the etymologies in Arka dictionary.
Vik (man) is derived from vi (strong) and ku (animal), for example.
Olivian (acupuncture) comes from olivia (rose of Lutia). Olivia also means a needle.
Diltvils (methionine) is a compound word of dilt (spinach) and vils (amino acid). In Kaldia, methionine was found from spinaches.
