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Wikileaks Mirrors - About

This site is not affiliated with Wikileaks. It is hosted on a different server, uses different DNS servers, a different registrar and has a different owner. So if Wikileaks is not reachable any more (due to technical or due to legal reasons), you can try different links from this site.

The domain wikileaks.info played an important role in the early stages of Wikileaks. As it was abandoned by its owner in May 2009, we picked it up to use it for the cause of Wikileaks.
(ドメイン「wikileaks.info」は、ウィキリークスの初期段階で重要な役割を果たしました。2009年5月、そのドメインが所有者から放棄された際に、我々はウィキリークスのために利用しようと、それを拾い上げました。 )

If you have knowledge of more mirrors or cover sites, let us know and we will list them here. If a site is offline for several weeks, we will de-list it.

We also host a mirror of the old leaks (2006-2010) at mirror.wikileaks.info. As this is a static copy, the dynamic links (like search) don't work, but you can get to many of the old leaks.

On Saturday 11-Dec-2010 at 4:00 AM, the original domain - wikileaks.org - was redirected to our mirror.wikileaks.info site, which resulted in over 1 Million hits a day. As a consequence we had to move to a faster host in Russia.

Questions? - Write to wikileaks@wikileaks.info
Last change: 16-December-2010


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