Arka: One of the Most Developed Conlangs

Etymological note(s) on every single word in its dictionary



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Every word has etymological note(s) in Arka dictionary.
Let's see the description of diain (cosmos).

salmin:salmin:la kardinal:ankozue,alt

Here is a translation.

[plant] cosmos
[floral language] I love you.
19:Flower of Ridia. Because it is very beautiful and adorable like Ridia Lutia.
salmin:salmin:la kardinal:ankozue,alt
A beautiful autumn bloomer. It is very popular in Arbazard. You can find this flower everywhere in Arbazard. It is also the national flower of Lutia.

The following two lines are the etymological notes.

19:Flower of Ridia. Because it is very beautiful and adorable like Ridia Lutia.

The former is the etymology in Atolas (Earth-like planet).
The latter is the etymology in Earth. It shows that one of the authors of Arka made this word in 2008. 19 means "in the 19 year of the Mel calendar".

Arka is a language used in Atolas, so diain needs etymology in Atolas, too.
rd means that this word was made in Ardia era. In this case, rd also shows that this word was made in the 19 year of the Mel calendar.
If a description of etymology is shortened in the former line, it means the former has the same information as in the latter.

Here is the unabridged description of the etymology of diain.

rd(19):seren;miina e ridia, man tu et lant o ank yun ridia.
19:Seren:Flower of Ridia. Because it is very beautiful and adorable like Ridia Lutia.