ウィキリークス(WikiLeaks)まとめ@ ウィキ




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Wikileaks Mirror Malware Warning



「2010-12-14 17:00 GMT」投稿箇所

(  誰か訳してくれる人がいれば、よろしく )

12/15 GMT 追記箇所

Update 15 December

In a statement released today on wikileaks.info entitled "Spamhaus' False Allegations Against wikileaks.info", the person running the wikileaks.info site (which is not connected with Julian Assange or the real Wikileaks organization) called Spamhaus's information on his cybercrime host "false" and "none of our business" and called on people to contact Spamhaus and "voice your opinion". Consequently Spamhaus has now received a number of emails some asking if we "want to be next", some telling us to stop blacklisting Wikileaks (obviously they don't understand that we never did) and others claiming we are "a pawn of US Government Agencies".

Few of the people who contacted us realised that the 'press release' they had read was not written by Wikileaks and not issued by Wikileaks - but by the wikileaks.info site only - the very site we are warning about (which by no coincidence is hosted on the same Russian based cybercrime-run heihachi.net server as irc.anonops.net). Many people thought that the "press release" was issued "by Wikileaks". In fact there has been no press release about this by Wikileaks and none of the official Wikileaks mirrors sites even recognise the wikileaks.info mirror. We wonder how long it will be before Wikileaks supporters wake up and start to question why wikileaks.info is not on the list of real Wikileaks mirrors at wikileaks.ch.

Currently wikileaks.info is serving highly sensitive leaked documents to the world, from a server controlled by Russian malware cybercriminals, to an audience that faithfully believes anything with a 'Wikileaks' logo on it.

Spamhaus continues to warn Wikileaks readers to make sure they are viewing and downloading documents only from an official Wikileaks mirror site.


  • ※2010/12/16(GMT?)に更新されたhttp://wikileaks.info/about.htmlを翻訳しました→「wikileaks.info」について
    • 以下のことが説明されています。
      • サイト「wikileaks.info」はウィキリークスに所属していない(=非公式サイト
      • 「wikileaks.info」ドメインは、2009年5月にウィキリークスがドメインを放棄した際に取得
      • 2010/12/11(日)AM4:00に「wikileaks.org」が「mirror.wikileaks.info」に転送されるようになり、アクセスが急増した関係でロシアのサーバに移転


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